Our Name

oski-pimohtahtamwak otayisīniwiwaw (Nehiyawak)
oski pima ci-owat ici ki-kay-dam-o-win-ing (Nakawē)
wana oicimani tecawosdodyē uncumpi (Dakota)
they are into their new journey to knowledge (English)

Monday, April 30, 2018

I Found My Voice

I Found My Voice by Lacey Missens
This week we went to Atamiskakewak National Gathering. We had big opportunities the whole week and mine was speaking in front of crowds and “Finding My Voice”. I facilitated a Blanket Exercise. It wasn’t a big crowd but it was a step into something for me, and it meant something to me, to go and speak to people and facilitate the KBE.

At the end of the week we went to a banquet. My class and I were sitting near the front and Kallie and Chris gave everyone an opportunity to go and speak. My class mates started going one by one. My friend spoke and told me to go up; I didn’t really have a choice. I walked up towards the microphone.

And this is what I said. “I’d like to thank Mrs Koops for this and making this class, and my class (I pointed at them), I’m happy to be a part of their lives. I wrote a blog a few months ago about finding my voice and this is the time, I found my voice.”

Thank you.

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