Our Name

oski-pimohtahtamwak otayisīniwiwaw (Nehiyawak)
oski pima ci-owat ici ki-kay-dam-o-win-ing (Nakawē)
wana oicimani tecawosdodyē uncumpi (Dakota)
they are into their new journey to knowledge (English)

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Finding My Voice

By Lacey Missens

Lacey on a Treaty Walk in Fort Qu'Appelle last September

I’m sitting here, thinking to myself, what should I write down? when I have so many things I could say to myself and everyone around me. I just don’t know how to put my words on the page. I do know I have a voice and the people around me know I do; still, I’m just trying to find mine when I’m in front of crowds.

These are my thoughts during the Kairos Blanket Exercise. I was always a shy person and many times I didn’t want to read the Blanket Exercise script. I would watch my classmates. Every time I would try to step up, I would try to say I wanted to finally read, but I would start thinking to myself I know I won’t be able to do this because people around me will doubt me and my thoughts would listen to those people and I would start to doubt my own self.  

When I went to Balgonie, I read for the first time. It was hard for me because that’s when my thoughts came into my head and I would start to have bad thoughts. For many people around me, they could speak in front of the crowd because they found their voices and everyone has a story.

Lacey reading from the Kairos Blanket Exercise script
for the first time in Balgonie, second from the right

When I found out about this class, I didn’t know what I was getting into. When I walked in on the first day we were in a talking circle and there weren’t too many people around me. I was still scared to speak up; to this day I’m still learning who I am and what I could actually do to motivate other people around me. I did learn that I shouldn’t care about what other people think about me when I do speak. People around you will listen to what you’ve got to say for yourself.

My goal from now to the end of the year is… I hope I will find my voice. I know I can see a difference from my first day in this class to present day. I’m slowly starting to find my voice in me. I just think you should never give up on what you believe in and push yourself to the good things in life instead of the negative.

Back row, Left to Right: Lacey, Taish, Jason Weitzel (principal of Balgonie)
Raimey, Glen, Kisis Cappo (from Balcarres) and Raven
Front row, Left to Right: Austin, Calen, Michael


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